Monday, February 14, 2011

WFC Ceilidhs announced

We went to a new format last year: more of a kitchen party idea than a straight concert. If you are familiar with the workshop format that is so common at festivals, then it will be familiar to you: 3 artists share the stage and a certain amount of time (with very little rehearsal time). The mix of collaboration/individual performance is up to them. If you missed the ceilidhs last year, you missed a couple of memorable evenings.

Imagine a "rapping folk singer" (Rodrigo's description of Ian Tamblyn), a latin guitar virtuoso/percussionist (Rodrigo Chavez), and a canadian fiddle/stepdance champion (Cindy Thompson Butineau) sharing the stage for the first time: sparks flew!!! The next evening was a little more musically homogenous, but no less magical: Paul Mills, Eve Goldberg and Linda Morrison cooked up a brew of songwriting goodness that was much greater than the sum of it's formidable parts.

This year we have put the following "ingredients" together. Stir and stew for a couple of days and the results are bound to be tasty.

Saturday Night: David Archibald, Suzie Vinnick, Anne Lederman
Sunday Night: Eve Goldberg, Georgette Fry, and David Woodhead

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